My high school made national news well after Top Boomers Finally Die Shirt I graduated because they decided to celebrate Foreign Languages Week by reciting the pledge of allegiance in different languages each day of the week. . Of course, considering they made headlines a few years earlier over a large anti-Semitism lawsuit against the district, I can’t say I was really surprised. It’s funny, Arab jews say Allah too. The thought of one of these Oklahoma schools doing that makes me cry in laughter. They would have huge investigations with speakers and all that crazy. Holy it would be funny to watch.
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If they put in Allah We trust on a Top Boomers Finally Die Shirts dollar bill, they’d be mad as hell. I can’t tell if we went to the same school or if multiple schools had the same issue. Sheesh, the propaganda we’ve been having to undo in this generation. As far as I’ve heard you better say Allah in Arabic countries to avoid problems. So avoid names like Yahweh or Jehovah and you won’t offend the Muslims. t depends. In Saudi, sure. In Lebanon, you are not obligated to do so. Literally, the same god, worshipped by the same person written about in the same old books, that they are trying to kill each other over because of religious versions of doing it wrong.
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