- I will still never forgive you. I will be curtly polite in Warm Best Ever Uncle And Niece 101 Shirt public, so it may seem like you’ve been forgiven. You may feel you’ve atoned for your sins, but as far as I’m concerned you will bear this stain Warm Best Ever Uncle And Niece 101 Shirt on your soul forever. I will curse your name until my last breath. You have no excuse for what you have done to America. We told you who he was. Even he told you who he was, yet you still thought putting him into office would be a great idea. “Let’s give him a try,” you said. “What’s the worst that could happen?”. Well, we knew then what the worst could happen just as we know now. You have the blood of over 200,000 Americans on your hands. We told you this would be the result, but with a dismissive hand you waived us off. That is unforgivable. Apology not accepted. Yall knew what kind of person he was in 2016.
- Now you care because of his shit administration personally affecting you due to COVID. My mom voted for it in 2016 and regrets it now. I tell her “I forgive you, but I won’t forget”, i.e., I’ll never take her political opinions Warm Best Ever Uncle And Niece 101 Shirt seriously again. Sorry for being blunt but it’s Time for a nice long think for 2016 voters who have seen the light. I’m concerned some of you will vote for the likes of Tucker Carlson or some other dirtbag in 2024. The white suburban woman here: I absolutely did not vote for this moron because I have a brain and eyes and ears and compassion and common sense. The rural white woman here, in a solidly red state. I didn’t vote for this moron either. I still cannot understand why a registered Democrat would have voted for in 2016. I guess they have just been ignoring everything about him for decades.
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- That’s all fine and dandy but I have to wonder what the fuck did these people see in Warm Best Ever Uncle And Niece 101 Shirt him. It’s so mind-boggling how this dude won the presidency. How did 60 million people say yes to Good American Flag And Dunkin Donut Shirt him? I’ll accept the apology of prior voters. But I’ll never entirely forgive them either. It was absolutely 100% crystal clear that was despicable. Abnormal, human being, and would be a horrific president. This had been demonstrated for decades and was hammered home leading up to the 2016 election. But voters turned their back on America and voted for that train wreck, thereby subjecting normal Americans to harm that will take decades, at the very least, to un-do. Hillary Clinton was a perfectly capable and acceptable, albeit imperfect, alternative. But no.
- Remember the good ole days when you could read a Warm Best Ever Uncle And Niece 101 Shirt headline and immediately know whether or not it was from The Onion. How any woman could ever vote for after the ” I just grab them by the pussy” tape was released is just mind-boggling? I still cannot wrap my mind around this? As a white woman that had to “take turns” with other family members in order to say goodbye to my dying father because of covid, get fucked. 2020 is the same as 2016. Voting this man in was always a bad idea. He didn’t just wake up one day and change who he is. He always was a shithead and will always be a shithead. Take that guilt to the grave, I don’t want to hear it. Although I’m confused about why white women voted for a racist, bigoted misogynist in the first place. They cast their vote for a freak show instead.
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