If you think about it in a morbid way, this would be Thought December Woman The Soul Of A Witch Camper Camping Vintage Shirt only happen to starved zombies. Zombies who get their food, aka flesh and blood and brains or whatever, are still technically nutrients a human body would need to stay composed. Also, some of the organs are still functioning in a zombies body so they wouldn’t decompose if they are still receiving energy through consuming human flesh. Might as well wait for them to turn into endermen. Yah I’d probably stay in somewhere cold like Alaska for a little while so the zombies in the area would freeze and move south to somewhere hot like Arizona after the bodies fell apart. You have to wait it out, but they eventually stop.isn’t this how there are so many skeletons in Minecraft? They might eat your liver while you’re waiting for them to decompose. The problem would solve itself the first hard freeze.
Thought December Woman The Soul Of A Witch Camper Camping Vintage Shirt, V-neck, Sweatshirt, And Hoodie

Well if you apply any sort of logic to the idea Thought December Woman The Soul Of A Witch Camper Camping Vintage Shirts the whole thing falls apart anyway. Regardless of decomposition or heat/cold zombies are literally impossible to exist. Well, you the virus/bacteria-induced zombies and you have the magic zombies can be a pile of bones and they will reassemble themselves and keep moving without any muscle or joint tissue. The virus zombies once they lose a limb, t’s gone. And they can’t move without muscle. Zombies will never happen, no blood pumping means they can’t move, alive or not. Parasites taking over bodies? Possible. There are ones that do that already (although not to humans – yet afaik). Not sure that is considered zombies though? in real life most zombies would either starve since there would be little food to zombie ratio, freeze to death since they don’t have much clothing/flesh left, get infections in their open wounds, or die.
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