France says your fatherland is Premium World Of Warcraft God Save The Queen 2021 Shirt trans. Deutsch means german and the etymology comes from the old high German word for ” people ”. How is Germany called the fatherland? Who calls it this way and with which words?. Yes. People call it “Der Vaterland”. Like in Spanish or Portuguese the name of the country comes from the name of the people that used to live there back then: the “Alamance”, Alamannen in german. L’allemagne is the land where they lived. And land in french is said “Terre” and is feminine. BTW – the same for Italian. Yes, same for Portuguese as well, I wonder if it is a Latin thing.
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So that’s why Russians call Russia the Premium World Of Warcraft God Save The Queen 2021 Shirts Motherland. But Germany is the fatherland and it’s a woman. The little male Netherlands is surrounded by basically all of feminine Europe. Love singular is masculine in french Love plural is feminine in french. Unless you’re referring to another traduction for love in french (singular) is masculine, and so are “fewer amours” (plural; ex “des amours passions et “). This is the recognized gendering. Feminine if adjectives are before “gens”, and masculine if they are after Vieilles gens (old people, feminine), gens résolus (determined people, masculine).
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