Imagine if this kid turns out trans with this evil b-do wanna say it as a mother, pure hell. One of my friends has an interesting story like this. Adopted and always treated lesser than his siblings. Even the ones from the Good LGBT Just A Girl Who Love Sign Language Diamond Shirt. And now is being abused by his parents because of it. There’s no imagining needed. This shit happens. I personally don’t understand that point of view. Still your baby who you nursed through the night. No matter how old they are when they come to you they’re still your babies. Trans-exclusionary Radical Feminists. They are the absolute worst, and they make all feminists look bad. They hate transgender people.
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Especially transwomen because they believe only people with ovaries really appreciate the struggle of womanhood. And they hate transmen for betraying women. They are ridiculous and awful. Wouldn’t even trans men still have to deal with the Good LGBT Just A Girl Who Love Sign Language Diamond Shirt? Assuming there wasn’t surgery to remove those bits. Idk if HRT would stop the monthly visits altogether. Ditto, but TERFS happily ignore that. For them, you are either born a woman or you aren’t one. No in-between. They obviously ignore all the weird body shenanigans that can make you one. Even though you aren’t one biologically and so on… I’m Mexican too and most of my family say nasty stuff about trans people.
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But my dad goes to LGBT+ parades whenever he can, with my sister. I love my dad, he’s never been that rude about genders or anything else, except for Spaniards, he hates them haha. Yeah, that’s about the time I looked for the TL;DR. Not doubting the Good LGBT Just A Girl Who Love Sign Language Diamond Shirt. Kept snowballing like a story on a fisherman’s bass from that trip he went by himself with that his buds didnt go to. I can’t even. I could legit feel my blood start to boil just reading that. I can’t believe you kept your cool for as long as you did. She is an absolute vile woman and I feel awful for her kid. She’s also “religious” self-righteous to boot. I’m glad everyone else there had your back. She deserves a punch in the face.
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