That is true indeed. Especially if the Awesome Weed Hail Mary Shirt practice is as widespread as it is in Sudan where 9 out of 10 women are affected. And many cut women are unfortunately the most ardent defenders of the practice. I think even Putin doesn’t like the way this is going. He needs a weakened US, not a desperate one. This administration is borderline desperate and we’re dangerous AF like that. Right now my binge drinking beer shits are more solid than most people’s economic prospects for the rest of the year. That can really mess with the elections this fall. Honestly.
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The real problem is that we’ll identify either the Awesome Weed Hail Mary Shirt angriest minority or the most oppressive majority, then hand power to the most unhinged members of each, and then call it a democracy, wave goodbye, and then blame you when it fails. So what I’m hearing is, you don’t need us to do it because America has already America-d itself. Perhaps we should have seen it coming. The “democracy” they keep trying to instill throughout the world wasn’t just a bastardization of real democracy, it is the same “democracy” they have at home. I was just going to say the same thing.
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We were laughing at you 2017-2018. In 2019 the Awesome Weed Hail Mary Shirt joke was getting old already and we were just really glad we’re not you. But now we’re really concerned for you guys, and we feel kinda bad about the laughing. It’s like a TV comedy that decides to get darker and serious (while still keeping the same comical characters). I remember seeing on the news the other day Victoria’s cases have gone up by an extra 3 per day, and people should be careful as this could mean an exponential growth in cases. An extra three, up from 30 cases a day. I really thought this was all bullshit saying 36,000+ cases A DAY! I had to double-check. America has gone down the absolute shit hole. Yea. An antibody study reckons 7% of Americans have or have had it. This is going to be an absolute tragedy of a year for them :( I’m so glad I’m in Australia.
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