Thank you, too many people believe that if “you can talk, you can breathe” and that is just not true. Thankfully someone did the Awesome LGBT I Can’t Breathe Shirt Heimlich but I definitely wish this was more widely known. To be honest, though, they knew George could not breathe. They just didn’t care. RIP to him. Another one I fucking hate to hear is “don’t worry, if they’re coughing, they can breathe.” Maybe. Maybe fucking not. Sometimes stuff gets stuck and begins to work its way towards blocking your trachea. Medical student here. This. Heimlich maneuver could make it worse, so you don’t want to start it until absolutely necessary. Granted this has nothing to do with a cop crushing a person’s neck with his knee.
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The Awesome LGBT I Can’t Breathe Shirt more I hear about this entire situation the sicker it becomes, and the more I realize events like this are completely unacceptable and have to stop. To anyone reading this… What can a regular person do in a situation like this? How can I do my part going further and show that this type of behavior from law enforcement officers is unacceptable? Seems like racism runs so deep in this country, I genuinely don’t know how I can help. It helps explain why mental health is treated as a joke in this country.
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Hell, we’ve already rolled over and accepted the establishment of Awesome LGBT I Can’t Breathe Shirt our own early-stage concentration camps because they’re not for us yet. With the purposeful daily controversy, we’ve effectively forgotten about them. I don’t even want to think about the atrocities that have been committed in the past few years – out of sight, out of mind. If the piece of shit retweeting the whole “only good Democrat is a dead Democrat” this morning doesn’t absolutely terrify everybody who isn’t already lost, it fucking should. I thought it was that God would save them if they weren’t witches. Since everyone burned, they were obviously never incorrect about who was a witch, right? I find it a nice thing to consider. If their religion truly is correct, the only person they killed is themselves.
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