Thank you, too many people believe that if “you can talk, you can breathe” and that is just not true. Thankfully someone did the Top We Can’t Stay Silent When Black People Don’t Have The Right To Breathe Shirt Heimlich but I definitely wish this was more widely known. To be honest, though, they knew George could not breathe. They just didn’t care. RIP to him. Another one I fucking hate to hear is “don’t worry, if they’re coughing, they can breathe.” Maybe. Maybe fucking not. Sometimes stuff gets stuck and begins to work its the way towards blocking your trachea. Medical student here. This. Heimlich maneuver could make it worse, so you don’t want to start it until absolutely necessary. Granted this has nothing to do with a cop crushing a person’s neck with his knee.
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The more I hear about this entire situation the Top We Can’t Stay Silent When Black People Don’t Have The Right To Breathe Shirt sicker it becomes, and the more I realize events like this are completely unacceptable and have to stop. To anyone reading this… What can a regular person do in a situation like this? How can I do my part going further and show that this type of behavior from law enforcement officers is unacceptable? Seems like racism runs so deep in this country, I genuinely don’t know how I can help. “I saw you smile once, you can’t possibly be depressed.” Also explains how easy it was for at least 1/3 of this country to accept the final key command need to solidify their false reality: to not believe what they see or hear from their lying eyes and ears – only what they hear from the documented lifelong pathological liar and crook who finally let Americans hate again.
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The Top We Can’t Stay Silent When Black People Don’t Have The Right To Breathe Shirt responses to these incidents really help paint a picture of American society, and with so many Americans cheering for the pain, suffering, and death of any of their perceived “others”, the inaction and apathy of the actual fucking majority of Americans are why our future looks pretty grim. That many of these pro-authoritarian “patriots” are actually more of an economic and social burden than all of the “others” that they blindly despise makes the aggressive dismantling of everything the United States is and ever was as embarrassing as it is enraging. With the purposeful daily controversy, we’ve effectively forgotten about them.
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