I’m trying to befriend my neighborhood Top Stupid Tree A Woody Perennial Plant Deciding To Block A Perfectly Thrown Disc Shirt crows and bribe them with peanuts. From what I’ve noticed I think the group sends out a scout to look for a food source. He stops by sometimes and caws and the rest will show up a bit later. They don’t show up every day though. Last week I went out and as I was throwing some food he cooed at me! I’ve never heard anything other than a caw before, I was really excited. He was perched high up in the tree, he was definitely letting me know he was there because I wouldn’t have noticed him otherwise and I’m sure he knew that too. I don’t know exactly what he was saying but I’m pretty it was a coo off approval.
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The most striking evidence for Top Stupid Tree A Woody Perennial Plant Deciding To Block A Perfectly Thrown Disc Shirts humans not being as smart as we think we are, is that most of us can not fathom the idea that any other animal could be as smart as we are, which speaks volumes about the limits of our capacity for abstraction and extrapolation. There was a line in the article that got me thinking: “brains can look diverse but act remarkably similar.” I wonder if by studying the natural similitude between the most radically different animals if we could see how intelligence or maybe even good vs poor behavior crop up.
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