I’m a housekeeper at a hotel. Last week they cut our hours from 40 to 32. I was just informed that tomorrow they are shutting down the Top Peanuts Nurses The One Where We Survived Pipe Crisis 2020 Shirt hotel. Housekeeping will now work 24 hours a week for two weeks to deep clean the hotel, but who knows after that. Fellow Mainer here- apply at a golf course. They are all opening really soon so people can get outside and not go stir crazy. All the courses are now hiring their grounds and maintenance crew. Anyone can do it- and it’s wonderful being outside all day. Source- husband runs a golf course. I haven’t been laid off, but I answer for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and we are having so many calls where someone is thinking about killing themself because they were laid off. This virus is causing so much damage, and there are never enough resources. People being stupid is what’s going to make this so much worse and last so much longer than it could’ve been.
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I’m a housekeeper in Maine. Thursday I had a Top Peanuts Nurses The One Where We Survived Pipe Crisis 2020 Shirt job, Friday I didn’t. I lost both of my jobs (I worked at my University, and a hotel), had to move out of my apartment (can’t pay my $800 rent, landlord not helping), and had to switch to online learning as a MUSIC major (no way in hell will that work). It’s 4:58 in the morning. I woke up from a nightmare and woke up in a nightmare. EDIT because a couple of people decided they should attempt to “save me” from a music major… I’m a music education major. Please mind your business, I’m not looking for career advice. Agree. People were coming in, getting close, I’d have to touch their dirty plates, and I’ve seen people coughing. A lot of people just don’t give a fuck. I’ve read through dozens of these posts, and they’re all heartbreaking. But we will all come out the other end for the better, I hoping for anyway.
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Construction. The whole construction site was laid off, and with the Top Peanuts Nurses The One Where We Survived Pipe Crisis 2020 Shirt way things are going, the company owner thinks it’ll be at least a year before they consider hiring me back. It started 3 months ago, and that’s at least 50 other people affected, just for this site. The company had several other sites that they laid off employees too. I’m just lucky I’m still living with my parents, and Dad works as online IT for the general public, so he’s nice and busy. Edit: Since everyone and their dog is asking, I’m in Canada, Alberta. The site I was on was shut down by the owner, beyond that, IDK. I was joking with my wife about this but I wonder how much truth there is to it: People are going to be trying to flush all sorts of non-tp over the next few weeks. Maybe plumbers will be in high demand.
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