Do not take down the Top Mom And Daughter Best Freakin Partner In Crime Ever Shirt internet. Every movie goes about how you have to get rid of the source of communication and knowledge first. But that’s not the way to go about it. Taking down the internet is the quickest way to get all of humanity riled up and ready to kill something. As long as the internet is working most people will just be distracted and not take anything seriously. People really should internalize this simple truth: “Bread and circuses” is forever. Simple carbs, basic entertainment. Except now carbs are the cheapest they have even been and entertainment is the most personalized and abundant it’s ever been. Give people $1 double cheeseburgers and endless thematic serial shows, and you can do anything you want. Appear to us in a really cute, fluffy, and small form. Purr a lot, if you can. Let’s be honest here. We know for a fact half the population is going to try to buy all that stuff even though it won’t even be necessary because in the end, they’ll be dead.
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Let’s be honest here. We know for a fact half the Top Mom And Daughter Best Freakin Partner In Crime Ever Shirt population is going to try to buy all that stuff even though it won’t even be necessary because in the end, they’ll be dead. Yuuup. The rebels have lightspeed drives on all their ships, even fighter classes. They’ve more empty ships than pilots in the OT. This has always been why I struggle with alien invasion movies/books. If a species has mastered space travel, do you really think they can’t figure out a way to create a virus that wipes out the human race? They could probably even make one with an extremely long incubation period where you are contagious that then has a really high mortality rate. I suppose they would need a human/some human cells to develop it though. This would give credit to the abduction and probing stories.
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Why return a Top Mom And Daughter Best Freakin Partner In Crime Ever Shirt test subject with the possibility of recollection (even if they do have some advanced memory-wiping technology. Which obviously isn’t as good as they think if we get stories like this) if the disposal is easier. Less of a risk of exposing yourself as a potential threat if the subject is missing. Hypothetically, one could counter that they aren’t studying us in order to wipe us out, and that they aren’t heartless, so they return their subjects. This sounds like a cool plot for a book or something. Everyone on the Earth becomes sterile and scientists are only able to artificially create a few hundred babies. Everyone on the planet has to work together to secure the future of the tiny next generation by passing on their culture, knowledge, etc. Politics could get involved as some countries may see this as an opportunity to gain more power, so they create their own generations with the purpose of dominance, or just being generally superior in knowledge/preparedness.
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