I know it’s benign compared to the Top I Dont Ride My Own Bike But I Do Ride My Own Biker Vintage Shirt utter insanity on this sub, but this shit is infuriating for pedestrians, bikers, people turning left, and anyone else following the rules. There is no advantage to doing this. Came here to say this. In this particular case, it’s not an issue because the offending vehicle isn’t in the lane next to the centerline, but yeah… if I’m making the turn and you’re hanging out there way over that stop line, I’m going to continue my turn until I’m close enough to your car that it’s very *very* clear you’re in the wrong spot. I’m not going out of my way to crowd you, just making the turn the way I need to make the turn. Which I could totally do if your silly ass wasn’t there.
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I’ve definitely come to a Top I Dont Ride My Own Bike But I Do Ride My Own Biker Vintage Shirt dead stop in the middle of intersections and just patiently waited for the offender to figure out what they needed to do to unfuck the situation. I do this all the time on a particular problem intersection. The laughs me and my friends (also local truckers) get with the confused looks and the middle fingers thrown never stop. Just get in the right lane and try to get their attention! I’ve seen videos in this sub of people doing that! I think you have to get in front of the truck first and then slam your brakes on. It really gets their attention, and encourages them to use the horn! Try it!
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Also buses. There are many places in my city where the Top I Dont Ride My Own Bike But I Do Ride My Own Biker Vintage Shirt stop line is way far back. People blatantly disregard it and then lo and behold, a giant articulated bus is trying to turn and their dumb ass has to back up. Bonus points if 3 or 4 people all went over the line and now somehow have to coordinate backing up. That never goes well. If the stop line seems ridiculously far back, there’s a reason, people. (Though I’ve seen plenty who just pull out into the road, almost causing a major accident.)Another great one is when you watch the person constantly “creep” past the lines as soon as their light turned red. Then they continuously continue to creep while it remains red and the traffic lights are visibly green still. I’m not a trucker but still annoys the hell out of me watching someone be so impatient.
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