We all needed this. Fantastic job SpaceX and all at NASA who was part of Top Dragon Space American Flag Vintage Shirt it too. We could use more good news like this! Yeah, they have a combined 1400 hours in space, have done spacewalks, have each lived on the ISS for weeks at a time, and have been astronauts since the 00s. I’m sure they aren’t too nervous. I twiddle my thumbs on flights too but it’s because my heart is going a mile a minute and, if I stop fidgeting, I’ll have to realize how anxious I am. Well luckily you weren’t on the flight today or your heart would be going almost 285 miles a minute. And the rest of your body.
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That’s not the Top Dragon Space American Flag Vintage Shirt problem. You can’t just “point and boost” The higher you go, the slower your orbital speed. The closer to earth, the faster. Everything is pretty much just manipulating your orbit and trying to intersect the orbit of the object you want to go to. It’s not just pointed and fire the thrusters at the place you want to go, which is almost every sci-fi movie ever. They could go a lot faster; I believe the fastest time from launch to docking is ~3.5 hours
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The part of the launch that really made me happy cry was one of Top Dragon Space American Flag Vintage Shirt the astronauts took his feet out of the restraints and let them be weightless. He seemed so content. I can’t even imagine the feeling that he’s having. Humanity had a win today. Well according to the interview after the launch, it’s an American win. Welcome to politics. If you want the president to support your federal budget, you gotta suck him off, unfortunately. I’d rather see this dedicated to the country and its people rather than a political figure who had minimal involvement. …As for the “American win” optics, I think it is fine to address it as such. Most countries were relying on the Russians to launch into space for the past…
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