Native English speakers, do you ever watch movies with subtitles even if the Top Bigfoot American Native Under The Moon Shirt show is spoken in English? If yes, why? if the dialog has low volume and the background noise it loud it is likely not an issue with the actor speaking in a lower volume, rather it has to do with the sound engineer -maybe as instructed by the director- who is not adjusting the levels of the various sound inputs appropriately. I used to think I could. Until I turned subtitles on a movie I’d seen a million times and realized I was missing half the dialog! Things muttered under breaths, or in the background. I rely on them now to catch all the stuff I’d normally miss! And not just dialog. I didn’t hear the child crying in the background, or whatever, that turned out to be an important plot point.
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SDH captions are great if you are looking to improve your English (as a Top Bigfoot American Native Under The Moon Shirt second language) as well. Great way to learn to describe words. Gotta watch out these days, subtitle quality has dropped significantly in recent years because so many services are churning out content. I’ve seen some ridiculous gaffes the past year or so. The Mandalorian constantly having [baby coos] as a caption at really dramatically inopportune moments never failed to crack me up. Yeah, sometimes on DVDs, you get the choice of SDH or just the dialog. I usually go with SDH. Off-topic, but I hate it when I get a movie from Scotland with no English subtitles. I have no idea what they’re talking about most of the time.
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I’m of Top Bigfoot American Native Under The Moon Shirt Scottish descent and my wife is Finnish. We took a holiday to both Scotland and Finland and I could both understand and make myself understood perfectly well in Finland. The same was not true of my ancestral homeland. Accents are mad. Improved reading speed too! Sometimes people ask why watch subbed anime when you have to read the dialogue below in order to understand while watching the show. Turns out after watching enough episodes, you just become faster at scanning through the text.
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