- We gotta keep networking and organizing and working to Terrific I Love Mouse Boy And Girl 6 Shirt change the minds of people. Time to stop automatically accepting apologies so people can feel better about Terrific I Love Mouse Boy And Girl 6 Shirt being jackasses. Live with it. Maybe that guilt will teach you a lesson. For people who have Regretted. You should really re-evaluate your whole decision-making process. Because there was no mystery around. He is exactly who people said he’d be, actually probably worse. I knew a girl that believed a woman shouldn’t be president. Too emotional she said. I imagine there are a few of those out there. I also know a few women who voted for just to “see what happens.” I won’t be lumped in either. I don’t even know why white women are so often brought up. Way more evangelicals voted for.
- The rest are likely bible-thumping, pro-life turn the other cheekers. Don’t shame people for recognizing their mistakes. Shame people for not owning up to them. I have a very hard time giving these people a pass. It was blatantly obvious Terrific I Love Mouse Boy And Girl 6 Shirt what filth this guy is in 2016. Anyone who voted for this idiot the first time wasn’t paying attention. “I thought a business-minded person could change things”. I also want to ask them precisely what about Obama’s presidential legacy did they think they needed a businessman to change. Especially if you’re in the Northeast where cons and shenanigans were well known for decades. Way more white non-college grads voted for. Why is no one talking about white men here? Just kind of feels like the same old misogynistic bullshit as usual.
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- I am a suburban white woman who did not vote for this Terrific I Love Mouse Boy And Girl 6 Shirt moron in 2016. And I want no part in being lumped in with those who did. Also, it is weird that we Official I’m Surrounded By Idiots Shirt keep pointing fingers at white women. As if it is your responsibility to keep us from doing dumb shit. Glad nobody is blaming me for the bad votes of white men. I’m a suburban whites woman and I didn’t vote for him either. I think the point though, is that many white women right now are playing the part of the ally because it’s cute on Instagram. Like the bar is higher for us or something like white men can do whatever the shit they want and white women will be scorned for it. Scorned even if they’re VICTIMS of it. Younger Gen X, Millennial, and Gen Z women majority disapprove of him. Racism is definitely an issue at play here, certainly, but I do think that delineation is important.
- And I don’t think it entirely unjustified to remind us (not the direct us, but the general us, being white women) that we played a huge part in creating this mess and that we are not without blame. Maybe we didn’t vote for him but we’ve Terrific I Love Mouse Boy And Girl 6 Shirt enabled these ideas in other people. We think of a supporter and we all have the same picture in our minds of who this person is. Just remember that there are wives and daughters and sisters and mothers of these men who are just as harmful. We need to hold them accountable as well. It’s older white women, at that. If you break it down by age demographics, it was majority boomers and the silent generation women who mainly did it. My generation fucked up by not showing up to the election, and I have no problem acknowledging that, but I get annoyed by how the media dances around that statistical reality.
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