But hell no I’m not Ruth Bader Ginsburg Notorious 1933-2020 Vintage Retro Shirt kissing a random kid on the lips. Wouldn’t even consider doing it with my nieces/nephews. Your own kid fine, but that’s where it stops. I always grew up just kissing on the cheek except for my one aunt kisses literally everyone on the lips. Idk, she’s not weird or creepy or anything that’s just what she does, and I eventually got used to that with my aunt. I have two kids. One I kiss on the lips and the other on the cheek. The only difference is that one really wants a kiss on the lips. And the other wants a kiss on the cheek.
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I think it’s a bit weird to Ruth Bader Ginsburg Notorious 1933-2020 Vintage Retro Shirt initiate that behavior as the parent, but if your kid wants a kiss it’s certainly not weird to give them one. And I would take the side of believing it’s only weird because of social perception. My mom’s extended family all kiss on the cheek because they were raised that way by their Italian parents. I was raised with kissing my parents on the lips, but it teetered off in my teens and now we kiss on the cheeks. No other relatives kissed us on the mouth or cheeks. I probably wouldn’t kiss my nieces or nephews on the mouth, but I kiss them on the forehead a lot.
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