Just got curious at the beginning of the hour and Pretty Strong Girls Have More Fun Vintage Shirt checked what story they were starting with on Faux News. The debate tomorrow. They showed a recent clip of Joe Biden calling Donald “not so smart” and saying that he “doesn’t know much about policy. No mention whatsoever of the NYT story. I’m certainly not surprised, but it still angers me beyond belief. It’s the second story now. But it’s not the actual story, but Trump’s response to the story. That’s always the playbook, first, ignore for as long as possible, then ‘report’ how Trump “slams”, “blasts”, or “rips” in response.
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While downplaying what actually happened. Well, they’ve had a Pretty Strong Girls Have More Fun Vintage Shirts judge declare that nobody takes it seriously, so they can just say whatever they want. The top headline on Fox this morning was about shootings in Chicago and then around 10 am they put up “Where is Hunter Biden As the main story. They put up the brad payscale thing but literally no mention of the NYT story. Were they trying to make Biden look bad for saying those things? When I read those comments my head just nods in agreement. Nah, the hearing for her is in October. This won’t interfere with the. It’s going to be all over the news for weeks.
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