I was pretty skeptical but your UFO sighting about the triangle formation sound identical to the experience myself and 5 friends had one-night camping in high school, no drinking or drugs involved. The timing of them to appear as we’re talking about the Pretty Alien Wish You Were Weird Shirt? I’m doubtful. Especially because they just kind of receded out instead of flying away. It was like watching 3 perfect equilateral triangles flying spinning together like if the Triforce from Zelda was spinning. I don’t know why everyone’s so quick to reject stories that do involve substances. Aren’t there logs of ancient humans using hallucinogens and making contact? I mean I understand why someone would be skeptical.
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And I didn’t post my story thinking that everyone would believe me. But also I don’t think that’s grounds to completely throw everything away. Thank you for sharing. I think the immediate disregard for substance is the fact. That many substances are known to cause hallucinations and in many cases. So you see what you’re open to seeing, I suffer from sleep paralysis I awake feeling scared naturally my Pretty Alien Wish You Were Weird Shirt. It just causes a chance for a mind to not accurately perceive what’s going on. Then the argument about ancient cultures could also be made in the case of individuals with schizophrenia in developed countries tend to hear angry strange voices while individuals in more undeveloped communities such as rural African tribes tend.
Pretty Alien Wish You Were Weird Shirt

Both are schizophrenia however a societal influence of hearing voices effects their experiences. The same stated for people under the influence of a substance. You went from being in your basement passed out from seeing an alien in a Pretty Alien Wish You Were Weird Shirt. You could have Segwayed a little better for these two parts of your story, that’s all I’m saying. Idk about any of this but… Maybe ask the greys what they think about God. But also be careful about accepting any info on the nature of existence. Any sort of highly intelligent species could claim creator and we could be non the wiser as humans. I have no idea what aliens interact with who and what’s androids and what’s ai etc.
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