They never closed in the Premium Skull Gentleman’s Dub Club Fuck Coronavirus Shirt first place and people have always been going. Sk has superior tracing compared to the rest of the world. They use GPS location of phones to locate where and when people have been to a place and have been contacting them the same day there has been a spread and having them quarantine. They send 2 weeks worth of food and medical supplies and even have housings just for people infected if they don’t want to stay in their homes. That’s why they were able to not shut down everything and still have this virus under control. This sounds like the model Apple and Google have been working hard to build into the mobile operating systems, and have built an API for various governments to implement. The methodology is actually rather clever in how it strikes a reasonable balance between contact tracing, without completely annihilating privacy. Do you think they don’t already?
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In order to get to the level SK is at, we’ll have to install security cameras everywhere. Literally everywhere. There are backdoors built into Google, Facebook, and many of the Premium Skull Gentleman’s Dub Club Fuck Coronavirus Shirt ISPs that send data directly to the NSA. I’m in the states and I and my friends use it pretty often, like are we just going out as in a couple of bars and be functional before noon tomorrow, or are we going out and getting fucked up and just writing tomorrow off My first night in Itaewon (I’m from the US) I told myself I would drink until the last call and then go home. Korea doesn’t have the last call. That’s the thing. I’m sure this won’t be the first time this happens since people in other countries also go for house parties
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People are acting like clubs aren’t close together or clustered within a walkable distance. Most Saturday nights in San Diego have people visiting bars and clubs that are next door to each other or maybe at most half a Premium Skull Gentleman’s Dub Club Fuck Coronavirus Shirt mile away. All walkable and no one bats an eye at visiting three or more in a night. I lived in Itaewon for 6 years. It’s not even “walkable”. You literally can just go next door and there will be 3 clubs in the same building. I’m actually doing better than I have in years… I don’t have any friends near me, so I don’t usually leave the house unless I’m going to work or the gym. My work isn’t very social, and I mostly work alone, so I don’t get much interaction anyway. I’ve actually been really content staying in during quarantine, something about it makes me feel a little less lonely…
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