This got to me. I’m not sure how you managed to love with that for so long. I’ve lived a life where weird shit seems to follow me around. So I avoid things with cursed/haunted reputations like the plague… But I would absolutely have picked that lamb up. That’s what got me. I’m so pleased you’re out of that now and that it’s not anywhere near you anymore. Something very evil was attached to that music box. The pictures give me the creeps, because the box looks so innocent. But it’s the Premium Mouse Ears And Bowling Kind Of Girl Shirt. Well. This story has an update I haven’t posted. Long story short, it isn’t far away from me anymore. After I posted this Reddit post and it got attention.
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And I was contacted by people about the story, shit happened. I have become in possession of what I believe is the same lamb through a freak set of circumstances. Part of me thinks this Reddit post and the YouTube channels that covered it and the Podcast I appeared on may have been a mistake. It’s been years since I put this behind me, and now it’s sitting on my Premium Mouse Ears And Bowling Kind Of Girl Shirt. That I know of, Be. Busta, Let’s Read, and the other day I stumbled across a condensed version of it the other day from a channel called All-time top tens or top fives or something. Oh my god. Zak Bagans has a haunted museum with things like the lamb in it, so he might be a good option.
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If not, there might be other paranormal collectors who’d want to take it. I hope you manage to stay safe and get rid of it soon. You might want to put it outside in a shed, or in a room you never go in, and possibly put a salt circle around it. I really hope you can find someone to take it. It was a house. I used to have pics of a lot of the damage. Including the Premium Mouse Ears And Bowling Kind Of Girl Shirt. I had pics of my ex’s bruise marks and things like that, and I had a short video of the kitchen cabinets opening and slamming, but all of the memory cards they were saved on were corrupted at some point. I tried recovering some of them but the only one that was repairable.
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