This is Biden trying to recruit the Premium If Shooting Starts Stand Behind Me Tee Shirt Sanders faithful. Can’t really blame him. They gotta unite that base to win. To his credit, Bernie Sanders actively campaigned for Clinton and I expect he will do the same for Biden. I’m sure he will adopt some progressive plans and Bernie I know will help campaign for him along with everyone else in the democratic party, whatever shape that takes during a pandemic If I was a betting man I say he does something with the green new deal$15 minimum wage is supported by most Democrats. It is not that progressive of a position. What we need is M4A. That equates to roughly $15 in 2020. Premium If Shooting Starts Stand Behind Me Tee Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Ladies Tee For Men And Women

Oh 100%, that was my point! I am well educated and make significantly over the Premium If Shooting Starts Stand Behind Me Tee Shirt median US income, and it’s still in inflation-adjusted dollars less than minimum wage for the Boomers age. Even my super liberal dad whos 70 thinks young people are lazy and don’t work hard enough. He keeps saying how back in the day he only made like X dollars and put himself through college in the working summers. He’s a pretty smart guy- master’s degree. Old people just don’t fucking get it, or they don’t want to admit they got dealt the best hand of cards possible and this is all they came up with, a few years of retirement and living off of social security benefits. Start asking him how much shit cost. That got my family to start thinking about. It all needs an overhaul.
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It would be nice to tie the minimum wage to the average cost of Premium If Shooting Starts Stand Behind Me Tee Shirt living in a general area. You have to give him some slack for that, here in Europe most countries have competition when it comes to insurance and although they make profits, it’s doable. I’m a student and I get 100 euros each month in subsidy for insurance of 110 euros. So why wouldn’t that work in the US? I’ll take the chance Biden will implement progressives vs knowing Trump has implemented conservative policies.
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