TIL Shoveling snow is a known cause for heart attacks – the Premium Blood Inside Me LSU Tigers Football Best Dad Ever Shirt increase in blood pressure combined with cold air constricting arteries creates the right environment for it to happen. Snow shoveling is particularly strenuous because it uses arm work, which is more taxing than leg work. Do you mean SHOW? God, are strokes contagious now? So the opposite. I’m always pissed when I find it’s already been done.
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You guys got scorpions and triple-digit temps with humidity. I’ll take my giant mosquitos and snowstorms. I always shovel a Premium Blood Inside Me LSU Tigers Football Best Dad Ever Shirt strip to the bottom of the driveway and then shovel from the bottom of the driveway to the top. The times that I don’t get out before the plows come it’s brutal getting rid of that frozen wall of ice and slush that they leave behind. It takes as long to get rid of that as it takes to shovel the rest of the driveway.
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I’m gonna start a Premium Blood Inside Me LSU Tigers Football Best Dad Ever Shirt pissing contest…. western BC snow…. when it’s more than 4 inches I just say fuck the snow shovel and grab my flat transfer shovel. Coast snow is like wet concrete. Heavy as fuck, turns to mush in the day then freezes up again at night. Those wide plastic shovels won’t do shit most of the time. I love the snow though since it usually just rains here. Where I am we get to get a mix of both. Some days we get the nice fluffy powder, and other days we get bombed with the heavy wet stuff, and usually some rain on top of it. Heart attack snow is the worst. It takes so much longer to clear because you can’t load too much on the shovel. Ugh.
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