On July 31, 2019, trump ordered the navy to rescind medals to Original Nurse Covid 19 Team Face Down Sats Up Shirt prosecutors who were prosecuted, war criminals. Trump denied us marine of 6 years entry into the united states for his citizenship interview. Trump demanded us military chiefs stand next to him at the 4th of July parade. In June 2019, Trump sent troops to the border to paint the fence for a better. Trump used his interview at a cemetery commemorating fallen us oldies to attack a Vietnam veteran. Soulless people will always find the lowest way to make money. Hello, capitalism. I mean, if they win in November there’s gonna be a lot of paydays for sycophants.
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Trump never pays anyone! If they Original Nurse Covid 19 Team Face Down Sats Up Shirts sue him, he just files a ridiculous for an obscene amount of money so they’ll drop their case. Trump never pays anyone. If they sue him, he just files a ridiculous for an obscene amount of money so they’ll drop their case. Trump made his 2nd wife, marla maples, sign a prenup that would have cut off all child support if tiffany joined the military. On May 27, 2019, trump turned away us military from his memorial day speech bc they were from the destroyer USS john. Trump ordered the USS john McCain out of sight during his visit to Japan.
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