What is the Official Shih Tzu Marvel Avengers Shihtzuvengers Shirt point in appealing to 1 billion Chinese if they alienate 6-7 billion non-Chinese with theirs? Absolute tripe – of those billion people, only maybe 100 million have any means at all. Stop this goofy narrative, China has no global power. So then it’s just for friendship that so many countries and companies are bending to their preferences? Sound like you are nervous about China. You’ve never been to China, have you. Stop this goofy narrative, China has no global power. Implying they wouldn’t cater to any major countries’ demands is goofy, China just happens to make more demands.
Official Shih Tzu Marvel Avengers Shihtzuvengers Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt, And Hoodie

Then the rest of the Official Shih Tzu Marvel Avengers Shihtzuvengers Shirts world. I’ll give you a hint it’s probably the huge amount of global buying power the Chinese have. They have stopped including Authoritarian tropes in movies to appeal to China and other literal dictators in power. Have you been hiding under a rock? I bet half your crap says made in china on it somewhere. Good job Disney!!! Maybe they shouldn’t be charged their already paying customers for this steaming pile. Bent over backward for a country that has now blacked out the very movie that you so desperately tried to appease to. Good riddance.
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