As an employee I can say they’re doing a great job, Hazard pay, sanitation, having us stop to wash our hands every 20 minutes, reduced store hours, free food for employees, etc. My Wegmans is a decent drive away but they have been great about scrubbing down everything (even the soda boxes) at all times and they got hand sanitizers for exits before I saw other stores do it. I am thinking about working there soon because of all the great things I hear about how they treat employees. Me, 2020, weeping: Thank you Trader Joes for enforcing a 6-foot distance in the line to get into your store. Brilliant human engineering!
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Our Walmart for Official I’m an Essential Worker Shirt sure is just letting people in. No sanitizer, no gloves, no cleaning between customers. Unfortunately, it’s one of 2 places to shop. I feel this way about Publix! Good job, Publix. Employees, I hope management is treating you well. Publix is going to cause a huge spread of the virus. We’re not taking it seriously at all. Food lion where I am isn’t taking it seriously either. It’s a free for all in there. No gloves on employees, no face masks, and they aren’t even cleaning belts between customers. Neither is Kroger. They just reduced hours. Everything else is business as usual.
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I go to Wegman’s really late at night (like after 8 pm, if they were open later I’d go later). It doesn’t seem to Official I’m an Essential Worker Shirt take that much longer to do things there. Even if we went during the day (which we have recently) it doesn’t seem to take 2-3 hours, anywhere near that. Is that a Rochester area store or something? I’d just use the self-checkout. I wouldn’t even care if they only wiped it down after every 3rd person or something, personally… My dad was waiting in line in Kuala Lumpur for over an hour. Lines to get into the grocery store have boxes marked 1m apart on the floor and security makes sure you stay in your box.
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