Thank you, too many people believe that if “you can talk, you can breathe” and that is just not true. To be honest, though, they knew George could not breathe. They just didn’t care. RIP to hi Medical student here. This guy is fucking just as bad. “I don’t know if an Official I Can’t Breathe Shirt crime was committed, I’m just saying don’t jump to conclusions” He himself jumps to conclusions that people are crucifying the police. Americans have fucking perfected the art of the backpedal. And the art if permitting it, because if we ever want to backpedal, we have to give others the right to backpedal too. And then he uses the “why don’t the tolerant left tolerate my bullshit?!” Don’t ask for tolerance when you believe police don’t have to tolerate it. I would call it mental gymnastics but I don’t think this guy has the necessary equipment. Let’s go with an abandoned gymnasium.
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To anyone reading this… What can an Official I Can’t Breathe Shirt regular person do in a situation like this? How can I do my part going further and show that this type of behavior from law enforcement officers is unacceptable? Seems like racism runs so deep in this country, I genuinely don’t know how I can help. “I saw you smile once, you can’t possibly be depressed.” Also explains how easy it was for at least 1/3 of this country to accept the final key command need to solidify their false reality: to not believe what they see or hear from their lying eyes and ears – only what they hear from the documented lifelong pathological liar and crook who finally let Americans hate again.
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To add to this, if you can speak it means you likely have an Official I Can’t Breathe Shirt intact airway, but it tells you absolutely nothing about the adequacy of the breathing. You can absolutely be talking in short sentences but not breathing adequately. If a patient tells you they can’t breathe it means they can’t breathe. Just because they can tell you it doesn’t mean anything other than their airway is not presently completely obstructed. There is absolutely no truth to the idea if you say you can’t breathe you can breathe.
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