They will call us martyrs when this is Nice Original Nurse Heart Kentucky United We Stand Coronavirus Shirt. It’s sad and not what we signed up for. I’m a new grad and I feel hopeless and disposable, too. Many of my unit preceptors have quit so the future feels very frightening especially since. So many senior nurses are gone now. I feel even more like a piece of capital instead of a person now. You’re just realizing what our system has been doing all along because it’s affecting you personally.
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The truth is, we’re nothing but tools to serve the Nice Original Nurse Heart Kentucky United We Stand Coronavirus Shirt. Completely disposable until they run out. Then they’ll call you back when things get dire with praise and promises in order to use you until there’s nothing left. Such is Canada too. I’m just exhausted thinking about all of this. People not staying home, hospitals relocating us constantly without care, and dealing with supply shortages. I am the only person in the office interacting with patients and am told to use one face mask per day.
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All of the nurses I know haven’t smiled or laughed in Nice Original Nurse Heart Kentucky United We Stand Coronavirus Shirt. This is simply not a joke. I’m outraged of how most of the public continues to live their day to day lives as is and avoids the rules that have been put in place. There’s a lot of unofficial abbreviations that were used in medical notes. Rather than explain to a court why you wrote that a patient was a fucking moron. You come up with an excuse why there’s a PP in the margin (pumpkin positive- if you shine a light up their nose their eyes and ears will shine due to lack of brain).
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