If the U.S. His supporters just hate who Trump tells them to hate. If Trump said “we love China now” his supporters would immediately and totally fall in line. There is a lot about the Nice No Matter Where I Go I Always Leave My Heart In Germany Shirt past 4 years that I scoffed at thinking it was too ridiculous to happen. Just saying. I don’t discount anything, anymore. I feel like I live in Animal Farm right now. 2 legs good, 4 legs bad. What authority is he even claiming to shut them down? They haven’t broken any laws. The first amendment doesn’t apply to private companies. Or is this like Obamagate where he can’t even articulate a concrete accusation and just says people are saying they do bad things and it’s a disgrace and I’m going to use magic President powers to shut them down through executive order?
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In the r/Michigan subreddit, our governor sent a Nice No Matter Where I Go I Always Leave My Heart In Germany Shirt memo stating that the drug wasn’t to be used off label without good reason. Literally 5-10+ posts a day on it (not counting comments) in a relatively small subreddit.After studies came out showing it was ineffective, fucking silence. Suddenly they don’t talk about the whole episode. Trump does not have this authority. No US administration does. He can not even block Twitter and even he could it is straight-up the ridiculous idea. If he found some miraculous way how to push it through it would simply just be the easiest lawsuit for Twitter against US administration you could ever think of.
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Facts don’t matter. Reality doesn’t matter. Hypocrisy doesn’t matter. 5 seconds ago doesn’t matter. If “they” think something, I think the Nice No Matter Where I Go I Always Leave My Heart In Germany Shirt opposite, “they” are evil, “they” are bad, “they” hate America. Replace “they” with the enemy of the week. China, democrats, Pelosi, whoever. Fuck it. Just stick to your tribe and hate who the talking heads on Fox and who Orangeman tweets about. I legitimately question how anyone thinks this rift will ever heal, even after Trump is out of office if he even peacefully leaves and doesn’t attempt a coup or election fraud.
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