Wasn’t that literally the job though? That’s why Nice It’s The Fucking Catalina Wine Mixer Ugly Christmas Shirt they have the disclaimer before you click the article or video to cover their ass cause they know posting things like this is wrong. Computer Generated. The video is a Vore Fetish one. What are CG babies? This doesn’t necessarily seem like YouTube’s fault, rather the sick that upload this. If it is somehow YouTube’s fault can someone explain, please? The ex-moderator. Who is suing YouTube sought the advice of a wellness coach in 2018 after she felt traumatized by a video she reviewed. The coach recommended the worker take illegal drugs and didn’t provide any resilience training or ways to cope with her symptoms.
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According to the lawsuit. Another coach told a content Nice It’s The Fucking Catalina Wine Mixer Ugly Christmas Shirts moderator to just trust in God. The Human Resources department also didn’t provide content moderators with any help and YouTube requires workers to sign non-disclosure agreements. Making it harder for them to talk about their problems. Several other instances where youtube did not offer appropriate and necessary mental health services listed in the article. The lawsuit is basically saying youtube threw them into it blind and offered no viable mental health care. It’s no different than someone breaking a bone from an unsafe work environment and the manager telling them to keep working or lose their job.
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