Yeah, don’t take it out on the Nice I’m Sexy And I Mow It Vintage Shirt wait staff because some cook or manager sucks at their job. And don’t get confused, the Cheesecake Factory is just high priced Chilies. Their managers are just as bad. Yeah, usually corporate places base their veg sides on weight. Goddamn, that’s basically the same thing as them going to the store, throwing that shit in the boiling water, and putting it in the container. Someone was too fucking lazy to cut it. It doesn’t even look cooked to me. The color hasn’t changed at all from raw, even blanching darkens the color. When I was a child I loathed broccoli. I became an adult and was like fuck it gets healthy. Good steam with a little salt and pepper and what do you know it’s not mushy garbage. Love me some Broccoli now. My mom was a horrible cook too I learned later on. Then after we grow up and move out she got all fancy
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Parents are dicks. This quarantine has my mom baking bread, making chicken tikka, making fresh dough for pizza – and enjoying them all in her empty nest house. When I was a Nice I’m Sexy And I Mow It Vintage Shirt kid she couldn’t boil an egg correctly. Lol, I hate balsamic so not going to work. My son enjoys it that way though. I run a kitchen so I’ve tried a ton of foods. I prefer my vegetables plain and simple. Butter and some S&P is good for most of them. The roasting I have to second. Just the florets.. tossed in some oil, S&P and then onto a sheet tray. 350-375F until the florets just begin to brown. It’s a very different experience but as good or better depending on preference to steaming. You are right. You are right. They don’t even use freezers for the kitchen, only 2 walk-ins. There were a lot of downfalls to working there (mostly management) but I was always pretty proud of the food I was serving.
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Thanks for the Nice I’m Sexy And I Mow It Vintage Shirt positive insider insight, but can you come up with any reasons why so many people are dissatisfied with the food? I don’t know. Probably because the managers suck, servers don’t care, standard restaurant problems. For every unhappy guest, I had 9 happy ones. Fresh chopped lettuce, hand-patted burgers, sauces made from scratch. To me, it’s better than places like outback for a similar price range. Their appetizers and small plates are the best stuff on the menu. The actors are good, but they aren’t the best. Tons of food though. Portions are huge. People are just jumping aboard the karma train. I also have had good experiences at CCF and think their food quality is good. It’s not a 5-star restaurant, but it’s also better than a Ruby Tuesdays or Applebees.
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