I read world war z and that was a scene Keep Snoopy And Charlie Brown Keep Christ In Christmas 2020 Shirt in one of them. Their partner turned into a zombie and they were just past the point where everyone else already decomposed but their partner was trailing behind them. They moved quickly but had to stop to sleep and stuff but they would wake up and keep moving once they heard their partner-turned-zombie because they didn’t have it in them to kill them. Zombies decompose at a lesser rate than normal dead, sometimes taking up to two or three years – especially in climates where they freeze in the winter and then that back out in the spring… Likewise, zombies in a tropical climate would decompose faster. The main reason that they decompose at a slower rate, is because bacteria nor “critters” (worms, beetles, animals, etc) will eat on them as the so naturally… This is the same with vampires.
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However, since the damage isn’t repaired to the Keep Snoopy And Charlie Brown Keep Christ In Christmas 2020 Shirts body, as in a living human (they don’t have), even activity such as walking causes muscles to decline fast….This is why fast zombies are bullshit (in as much as zombies are bullshit, but still), other than like in 28 Days Later or Will Smith’s Omega Man, where they aren’t really zombies, but living, infected humans. Trouble is, so long as their mouth can move, they are potentially dangerous to the living if you stick your hand or barefoot in the wrong place. Given the fact that it takes so long for them to decompose, and that they are steadily producing more zombies by biting others, a zombie plague could conceivably last 5 – 10 years, depending on the number of humans left to turn. Maybe, but people couldn’t even stay inside for 2 weeks. So you’d have to wait years.
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