Isiah 26 – Come, my people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors behind you; hide yourselves for a Hot If I Can Turn Around And Punch You In The Face Social Distancing Shirt. Until the fury has passed by. If these folks actually read the Bible then they might be doing okay. My in-laws are giving my wife & me a hard time bc, “we are not having faith in God to protect us.” I’m replying that I am doing exactly that by listening to all of the information we have that is telling us to wear masks, distance ourselves, disinfecting, etc.
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I mean, I wouldn’t stick my hand in the Hot If I Can Turn Around And Punch You In The Face Social Distancing Shirt. And expect it not to burn bc I am a Christian. I can’t understand their reasoning. They don’t however, for they have found another use of The Good Book, you see, the book is somewhat heavy, it can be used to bang other people over the head with. Being a lawyer doesn’t always mean you’re smart. My sister defends pedos and thieves. And makes a lot of money doing it. Sure, she’s a psychopath, but I bet she’s still having wine parties with friends.
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