I work with kids on a daily basis as a Hot Baby Yoda Mask Hug Church’s Chicken Shirt. From my experience, I feel like the child is closer to 2 or 3 in Human years. At that age they can form simple enough phrases, some even can almost speak full sentences. They understand what they want, though they can’t put it into words. They know the names of things, they know how to work stuff. I know 2-year-olds that can navigate YouTube without knowing how to read because they know what the touch screen buttons do. Kids are smart, man.
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The way he sticks random shit in his mouth and Hot Baby Yoda Mask Hug Church’s Chicken Shirt makes me believe he’s closer to a 3-year-old. 8-9 have a little more maturity. Yeah, his behavior is definitely more toddler-like. The sneakiness, not listening, man, it all gave me flashbacks to when my son was that age.People who haven’t been around kids that young don’t realize that toddlers are devious and clever and not just waddling potato sacks. Kids learn to lie before they can form coherent sentences. Yup.
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These are the ages where kids are learning their boundaries. They try to figure out just how much shit they can get away with before you’ve had enough. Considering that Yoda died at age 900 that would be like passing at age 90. Which is Hot Baby Yoda Mask Hug Church’s Chicken Shirt? I’ve also considered the child to be about 5 years old in human years. I am dunno. When he squints his little eyes in concentration and powerfully points his itty bitty hand at him, it’s pretty darn cute.
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