When you compare China’s handling of Honey Mother Daughter Sunflower Shirt covid to America’s previous swine flu response, not to mention their abysmal covid failure, it is crystal clear who handled it better. It’s hard for me to blame others for things that I don’t have all the details about. It’s hard for me to blame others for things that I don’t have all the details about. Shame on everyone that has downplayed and downvoted Reddit sake factual information when it’s been revealed. And shame on everyone that decided to defend their political views during a global public health crisis. I don’t think the US.
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The government was trying to misinform the Honey Mother Daughter Sunflower Shirts nation about a Novel virus. They simply didn’t know much until we started to know more. I blame politics and the people that still believe whatever they want to believe rather than doing their own DD to get to the bottom of the science. Should have never politicized it. Should have never suppressed the facts. There’s no turning back time. All we can do is try to do better going forward. Make responsible choices and work together. We’re so divided because it’s a Political super bowl year. Data, science, and health matter.
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