For me, it’s the realization that it was Happy Most Old Men Would Have Given Up By Now I Am Not Like Most Old Men Shirt never great. I don’t know that America was ever great. The ironic part is that left thinks that the right is tearing apart this country and the right thinks that the left is tearing apart this country. In reality, the notion that the other side is tearing apart this country will eventually tear this country apart. I’ve lost all faith in the United States as a unified country. At this point, I feel like I would be happier if the country were balkanized so I didn’t have to be subject to the decision-making of these people anymore. The second one, for me. Every single day I hear about some new bull from the current leadership demonstrating.
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How they don’t see me as an actual American unless IHappy Most Old Men Would Have Given Up By Now I Am Not Like Most Old Men Shirts believe 3verything they do. That is unsustainable. Historically, that rhetoric ends in either complete overhaul or mass graves. Look at the development of technology, medical treatments, higher education, film, music, theater, television, pop culture generally, industry – how much American culture and technology and industry have you already interacted with today, including by making this post? No matter where you live in the world. And that doesn’t even cover things like America’s incredible and diverse natural beauty.
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