Setting the narrative of Grateful SQUAD GOALS Supreme Court Justices RBG Shirt. This is going to be their talking point when Biden takes office and cant undoes their damage fast enough. Sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west when there is a Republican in the White House, the GOP is all about borrow and spend, deficits don’t matter, supply-side economics, but put a Democrat there, and suddenly its deficits! deficits! The sky is falling, the sky is falling. Should be easy to roll back the tax cuts then. If having debts can bar you from an entry-level government job for this exact reason.
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Or even a job in the private sector. Then it sure as hell should prevent you from being eligible for the Grateful SQUAD GOALS Supreme Court Justices RBG Shirts. Most people don’t realize that what you are saying is also true of joining the military. They do a background check that includes your finances, and if you have bad credit/sizable debt, you can’t enlist. They forced Jimmy Carter to sell his peanut farm because they were worried that another country might just buy a ton of peanuts to influence him. And now you got Trump.
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