There is an abundance of Good Snoopy My Favorite Color Is Christmas Lights Shirt crows in the area where I live. If you just observe them for a short time here and there, it becomes evident that they are much smarter than your average bird and can recognize individual people and other animals. They are intriguing little creatures. New-season of cosmos talks about this. It poses the question, “Are we special? Or do we just think we’re special?” Turns out a lot of creatures have the ability to think and emote.
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When considering how destructive we are and the Good Snoopy My Favorite Color Is Christmas Lights Shirts rate we’re ruining this planet, we seemed to be the bad accident of evolution. We’d like changed this home to something we can’t cope up with… we die off and take other species with us… and then Earth gets to restart or whatever it has to do if it won’t die out yet. It’s funny how since we think of our species so highly, we consider others make up as inferior. When like these animals, we just probably don’t understand how their’s work. Is it rare for crows/macaque-monkeys to respond to input after some time has passed? For instance, can we teach a dog to obey a command after some time has passed since the command was given? Why would this behavior suggest that such animals can consciously analyze their memories?