I’m always eager to see Good Sick And Tide Of This Rona Shirt, how bad the US is able to fuck up. It’s almost like those compilations of accidents on youtube. Just one long continuous accident of a guy who sometimes kills bystanders because he has no control but is too ignorant to ask for help. It becomes less funny when you remember we’re still a superpower with drones and hellfire missiles and full nuclear capacity. Or more funnier if you’re into extremely dark humor. The reality is as hilarious as it is blithering.
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It’s the lost potential of what we could have had instead that’s heartbreaking. If this is all we were then it wouldn’t be sad. The fact that we could have been such an amazing utopian civilization instead of this is Good Sick And Tide Of This Rona Shirt. All the resources and tech and manpower are there in abundance. The only thing we’re coming up short on is gray matter. It makes me ill and angry that the Senate refused to act on Obama’s nominee for the court and just waited until Trump was in office so they could get their guy.
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That’s not how the government is supposed to Good Sick And Tide Of This Rona Shirt. If you think the senate won’t flip, then they’ll just not hold a vote as they did with Obama. If you think it will, then it doesn’t matter if Biden loses because then the senate can just choose not to hold a vote. Probably. But a liberal Supreme Court nominee held up indefinitely. A Republican Senate is better than a conservative nominee approved by that same Republican Senate. I really don’t think they can get away with that. It’s too extreme.
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