That’s known as the Good Rick Sanchez Kamehameha Tee Toilet Paper Shirt. It’s crazy wasteful. The opposite extreme was my dad who used to berate us, kids, if we used more than 2 squares per wipe. No, I do NOT use 2 squares per wipe–never have, never will just wipe that idea from your minds. So, our choices are Mitten on one extreme, careful folding into squares on the other, and wad in the middle. Just like there is no right way to eat a Reeses… But the mitten method is definitely wrong.
Good Rick Sanchez Kamehameha Tee Toilet Paper Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Ladies Tee For Men And Women

One of my earlier memories is of being scolded over a Good Rick Sanchez Kamehameha Tee Toilet Paper Shirt. And then showed how to fold toilet paper properly. I shared a bathroom with 3 other boys for most of my life and even we didn’t go through a roll every 4 days. There’s no way this is the per-person average. There’s no way this is accurate. Does the average person use almost a third of a roll per day? An average household of 4 goes through more than 30 rolls per month?
Official Good Rick Sanchez Kamehameha Tee Toilet Paper Sweatshirt, Hoodie

Women definitely use way more than men. Despite pooping 1-2x/day, it would still take me more than a Good Rick Sanchez Kamehameha Tee Toilet Paper Shirt. I use the 2 square and fold method. After my first live-in girlfriend, the usage more than quadrupled, and it’s been rough that with all the other women I’ve lived with. None of them use the 2 square method- most have seemed to bunch up a wad. They must never have been taught how to wipe properly as children. It’s time you teach them.
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