My millennial perspective is that of Good IL Etait une Fois Une Fille Gui Adovait Le Crochet Et Le Cafe Shirt Inherited Uselessness: by the time I was old enough to vote, the Patriot Act had already become entrenched in the otherwise-outmoding boomer war machine, like the dying gasp of a devouring creature yearning still for one more town, one more oil field, one more despot. Bruh. Slavery was legal for 89 years and segregation was legal for 99 years past that. If I can point to 188 years of your country’s 244 years of existence as being systematically racist and oppressive then it’s not really cherry-picking. It just is so easy to talk about your own country.
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Great bait mate. Wow. So let’s downplay the destruction lockdowns have had on Good IL Etait une Fois Une Fille Gui Adovait Le Crochet Et Le Cafe Shirts people by pretending it’s just politics that is to blame. This sub never ceases to amaze me. Maybe some self-reflection once in a while. No one mentioned politics. Could be falling apart due to lockdowns. Not sure what your point is. If you want to pretend that subtext is missing from your comment, that’s fine. My point is that the lockdowns have caused incredible damage, as evidenced by the article. Pretending otherwise is just a way to pretend the lockdowns aren’t as bad as they are.
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