I’m not sure about Good Baby Yoda Mask Hug Chipotle Mexican Grill Shirt. I was thinking because Yoda has an odd syntax/sentence structure it might be because he’s still learning the language. Since he’s ~900 years old, he’s learning pretty late. Pure speculation. I didn’t know there were any others of his species in canon. Honestly at this point, if baby Yoda cried. I would fucking slaughter everyone in the surrounding area to make him happy again. They’re still grammatically correct, just not standard.
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I think Baby Yoda is as his official name suggests, a “Child” and not a baby or toddler. Can’t guess what 50 years Yoda time is in Good Baby Yoda Mask Hug Chipotle Mexican Grill Shirt. But its definitely >5 years based on the way it behaves. Just based on behavior, keeping in mind that it doesn’t know the common language and therefore cannot talk, makes me think it is around 8-9 years human equivalent. That’s just my guess though. Yes, different languages use different sentence ordering and some are very flexible in that regard.
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Yoda himself can’t use correct syntax in his sentences though at 600 years old. In my Good Baby Yoda Mask Hug Chipotle Mexican Grill Shirt. I like to believe that they develop speech and language last which is why your baby can’t talk yet. My guess is that Yoda’s species don’t have a verbal language and communicate with each other through the force. That’s why the Child doesn’t speak at all and why Yoda has issues with proper syntax. He was making ‘Yaya’ noises around the mechanic. Kids watch your mouth to learn to talk, but he can’t see Mando’s.