Dude. Speaking of Funny Easily Distracted By Dogs And Motorcycles Vintage Shirt costumes. My small town had an MC for about a month. It was a bunch of 40-year-old upper middle-class dudes who midlife crisis’ ed themselves into ordering custom cuts. Their only issue was their male pattern baldness. I shit you not, they bought wigs and clip-on hair extensions. They quit because everyone took the piss out of them so hard. They were such absolute posers. In an interview decades ago somebody said 99% of motorcycle riders are normally law-abiding citizens. Ever since motorcycle clubs that engage in organized crime (hells angels etc.) have been using the 1% as their sign since they are not 99% of law-abiding motorcycle riders. Ah, this makes sense! I’ve been playing ‘Days Gone’ recently (a ps4 open-world zombie game), and the main protagonist is part of an MC and has the 1% badge on his vest. So I get the reference now.
Funny Easily Distracted By Dogs And Motorcycles Vintage Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Ladies Tee For Men And Women

All I can see is a Funny Easily Distracted By Dogs And Motorcycles Vintage Shirt group of carbon fiber race bicycles and dudes all in those bright colored spandex suits with the pockets on the lower back. Walking all weird on their clip-in shoes. I don’t understand what kind of poser makes a new MC these days. Either you’re a Hells Angel or like, or you’re LARPing having a working penis. FFS just ride your bike no one cares about your bullshit patch. This is exactly why I have zero motorcycle friends anymore… almost every biker I’ve ridden with pulls stuff like this.I prefer to ride on my own anyway.
Official Funny Easily Distracted By Dogs And Motorcycles Vintage Sweatshirt, Hoodie

I have buddies that LOVE riding in groups, kinda surprised to see this opinion given my biased exposure. They’re like “WHEN ARE YOU BUYING A MOTORCYCLE?!” maybe after I buy a Funny Easily Distracted By Dogs And Motorcycles Vintage Shirt house in a few years, IDK man…The Center of the lane is where all the oil is. Car/truck tire paths are generally the best patch of road and the left one gives better visibility. I ride closer to that to see what’s going on. On that note, if I’m in my lane, let me drive my lane. Agree to disagree I guess. I live in a rural area with a nice windy road that is very popular with riders and so many of them rip around blind corners leaning over the centreline. There are deaths every year from dumbasses getting themselves killed and I’m just hoping some asshole doesn’t take his head off on my mirror one day.
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