One of Dad A Fine Man And Patriot Miller Lite Fathers Day Shirt my favorite parts is how Vincent tells himself in the mirror that he’s going to go back out. And have one drink with Mia, drink it slowly not to be rude, then leave. Then when he comes out of the bathroom he just completely bails on his plan and is like “Alright Mia listen I gotta go”. Yeah, I was gonna say Heroin and Coke are very different looking and are easily discernable to someone familiar with powder. Any coke user would look at heroin and go what the fuck did you do to my coke? Really pure coke shouldn’t be tan. It should be and kind of off white. Unless I’ve just never even tasted the hight of luxury, the best is still white to kind of yellow. As someone who also used to do H, this is wrong and stupid.
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She thought it blew because she assumed it was blow….not because it came in a baggie. Meh. I always thought the Dad A Fine Man And Patriot Miller Lite Fathers Day Shirt premise was super flimsy. Heroin and cocaine come in everything under the sun. Bag or balloon makes no difference. Idk anyone grabbing a random bag of powder and lining it up without smelling or tasting it. Maybe this will be a MovieDetail, but the opioid overdose reversal drug Naloxone would never be injected into the heart. It’s either administered through a vein, intramuscularly, or through the nasal passage. What they use in the movie, epinephrine would be completely ineffective in an opioid overdose. He doesn’t say what the girl actually overdosed on in the story (though he does talk about heroin quite a bit).
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Adrenaline would work fairly well for an opioid overdose. The primary issue with opioid overdose is that it greatly slows your breathing, which results in less oxygen in the Dad A Fine Man And Patriot Miller Lite Fathers Day Shirt body. And, more importantly, the brain, as well as some slowing of the heart. So a shot of adrenaline like that is gonna jolt the heart rate up, it will open the airways in your lungs, and get your breathing rate back up as well. I’ve only ever heard of the adrenaline shot in this movie, and the movie is about as old as I am, so maybe this was an older medical practice when naloxone wasn’t so readily available?
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