All he had to do was shut up, and let the Beauty Peace Hippie Bus Christmas Tree Shirt experts handle it. If he would have come out and encouraged masks and not turned it into a political point, he would have sailed into a second term. Most people barely follow politics, if at all. Most of what people think of a candidate comes from snippets of what they hear from friends, family, coworkers, and occasionally news headlines. They’ll only really care to vote on what’s directly affecting them. COVID and the economy are affecting a lot of people. If he had handled COVID competently, we would be in a lot better shape economically, and he’d also have a more positive buzz “on the street”.
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Not sure if he would have coasted, but he would Beauty Peace Hippie Bus Christmas Tree Shirts have had a very real shot at a legitimate 2nd term. By being the worst president ever, he united the people for the most part. Except for that 30%. They are in their own little world, it seems. They are in their own fucking insane alternate reality. I have family members in the crazy place and they terrify me. The numbers are truly staggering. This time last election 10,000 people had voted. Compared to one million now. But. It still may not be enough. We have a long October and unprecedented cheating left to endure.
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