Now I have hand sanitizer, so it’s less Awesome Elf Santa Claus Reindeer 6 Feet We Survived 2020 Christmas Shirt of an issue. Also, I keep the mask on if I’m going from one place to another because it inevitably messes up my hair to put on a mask. That being said, my first thoughts when I see all these people wearing masks either while driving or walking alone on a sidewalk (alone outside.) Is that I hope these people are wearing it because it’s just comfortable/they’re used to it. Whereas the alternative being that all of these people are genuinely scared, or unaware of how the virus is transmitted so any time they leave their house they must have a mask.
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I can’t even tell you guys how many times Awesome Elf Santa Claus Reindeer 6 Feet We Survived 2020 Christmas ShirtS I’ve been called “hon” or “sweetie” when I pull up in the drive-thru wearing my mask. It’s awesome and makes my heart feel bigger. I order a bunch of take-out, too, so I really appreciate that y’all wear your masks while you’re delivering. You really rock. Sometimes I forget and leave my mask on after buying my groceries at Trader Joe’s during Senior Hour. I am so excited that I now have another week’s worth of food. It happens. I didn’t know anyone would care what I do when I am alone in my car, and I certainly don’t care what anyone else does.
Other Product: Turquoise Je Suis Petite Mais C’est Moi La Chef Shirt