Is time Aurelie Est Toujours En Retard Saul Pour Lapero Shirt really the resource we’re lacking? Would waiting till January iron out some of the issues? Or would everyone just ignore it and assume everything would be back to normal in January? Cause that’s only four months and we’ve been dealing with this since, what, April? Five months ago? Sounds like we should have had plenty of time to figure things out. This is what happens when you look only at averages and metrics and not the actual situation and needs of the system. But they don’t look at any individual class to see if that ratio is being held, they only look at the average.
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So you Aurelie Est Toujours En Retard Saul Pour Lapero Shirt could get classes much smaller and larger than the average each classroom doesn’t need to be uniform to meet the ratio to get that funding. That’s what the videos second example showed with the special ed class – its capped at 10, but it doesn’t receive any extra funding. So they need to shift the extra 14 students into the other three classes. As they don’t have enough funding to get another teacher, and the government won’t give it because the average class size is still in the 24 student range. They’re not looking at individual classrooms, only the overall average.
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