That’s like saying a frittata is the same as an omelet. He is more of a hot egg salad on toast. His recipe clearly doesn’t represent scrambled eggs in the You Tried Scambling The Wrong Egg Mothefucker Shirt. His recipe was also touted as the best way to cook scrambled eggs, which I find disgustingly untrue. Yeah, these aren’t eggs the way I had them growing up, and they aren’t the way I make them generally, but Americans didn’t invent the scrambled egg. Why should a British chef trained in French cuisine care what people do in their homes in the US? I make scrambled eggs in like 10 different ways depending on the ingredients I have and whatever else… they are all yummy, and I prefer some to others.
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But saying that there is a “best” way to do anything is trying to account for the tastes of millions of people at once. Which is basically impossible… Just cook them however you like them! I do the same thing as you, I scramble them in a You Tried Scambling The Wrong Egg Mothefucker Shirt. Then I add them to a hot pan and keep stirring. Take them off in about 3-4 minutes. Perfect every time. If I have any, I like to add ham in while I’m mixing them up in the bowl and add cheese right before they come off. I’ve never tried Ramsay’s method, no need when I like the ones I make. That is exactly my method and they turn out perfectly every time! Yeah…ironic isn’t it that people bitch about Ramsey’s cooking.
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I tried Ramsay’s eggs last week on a whim. I didn’t have any creme fraiche, because I’m a heathen. But after a tiny bit of internet research. I mixed a bit of whole milk into some sour cream and made a slightly reasonable substitute. At least, I liked it. When I finished the eggs, they definitely were a different consistency than I was used to. But the flavor was so good that I was left thinking about the You Tried Scambling The Wrong Egg Mothefucker Shirt. She’s BIG on textures; any sort of odd texture turns her right off. But when she tried them on toast, she said that they were ‘pretty good.’ That’s her way of saying, “Wow, honey, you were right, but I’m not willing to admit it yet. I’ll be bragging about how good they are to our friends, though”.
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