At 74 years old, a bit overweight, with Well I Just Want To Drink Coffee And Pet Bluetick Coonhound Dog Shirt high cholesterol, and perhaps not the greatest diet or exercise, and as President, long hours with less sleep, Donald Trump is was a high risk, well before he was infected. Yet I am reminded again; he is only a man. And the only comfort I find of this new reality, now that he is infected, is the idea that “see, you too can be touched.”. I hope it opens his eyes, but I wish any revelations he may obtain happened sooner. Lastly, it’s maddening and infuriating that he will receive the best medical care money can buy, free of charge, while those of my fellow country-men who survive will end their lives in a mountain of debt, some well into the millions.
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And what is their crime for a lifetime of Well I Just Want To Drink Coffee And Pet Bluetick Coonhound Dog Shirts servitude to pharmaceutical companies? Simply, to have lived where others did not. You know… I can’t help but wonder if Trump is lying, trying to use this for sympathy and to come out of this “beating and that it’s just like he said, no worse than the flu, no need to wear masks, he’s “high risk” and he survived so country can open”. I mean I hope he has it after all that he spouted, but being the.
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