Things are really looking grim. Fauci has Turquoise Je Suis Petite Mais C’est Moi La Chef Shirt been ostracised from trump’s inner circle. He’s now taking advice from a doctor who shares his denialism of the seriousness of covid. Whether it’s coronavirus or climate change, the president is on the totally wrong side of the facts. Get rid of this buffoon. Honestly, the fact that Trump is always on the wrong side of everything is actually scarily impressive. Most politicians, either by accident or through miscommunication are occasionally on the right side of at least some issues, even if they’re wrong about many others.
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Trump is like a broken magic eight balls. Every answer Turquoise Je Suis Petite Mais C’est Moi La Chef Shirts is a bad one, every gut feeling is incorrect. Every coin flip called comes out the opposite. On every single issue, Trump is uniquely qualified to give the wrong answer. Trump is so categorically wrong on literally everything, that there’s part of me honestly thinking at this point he should stay on as some kind of inverse advisor. Whenever the next president has a tricky decision, he should consult Trump, and then do the exact opposite of whatever Trump recommends. Are they talking about this year or next year? Cuz he knows he’ll still be the goddamn president this Christmas right?