Don’t forget about the part where my client becomes more and more unresponsive after each game until I’m forced to restart on top of Top Senior Skip Day Champs Class Of 2020 T-Shirt of other issues.I’m on NA. I made my own mini-list here not too long ago, and I think the only one that I missed was the one where messages don’t show up / pop up the icon with the orange color like it used to. I don’t play customs, don’t use clubs, rarely dodge, and don’t use most of the profile/info settings in the client, so I imagine I’m skipping a lot of bugs that way lol.
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This is where my initial note applies. I’m only addressing what I’ve seen myself. And despite leaving the Top Senior Skip Day Champs Class Of 2020 T-Shirt. On for about 16h every day, I haven’t really had performance issues anymore (again, personally). Or it could maybe simply be that MTG Arena got me used to worse when it comes to being unresponsive… Edit for everyone who’s answering in this comment chain: You should add the server you’re playing on! To see if there are actually differences in this one.
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I don’t think that’s just anecdotal, no, I’ve been having similar account-based weirdness. At the start of 2019, whenever I’d log into my Top Senior Skip Day Champs Class Of 2020 T-Shirt. My runes settings (tree view/show detailed descriptions) would always reset, on this account. On my smurf, never any problem, using both each day and using both on the same computer, too. And some people have some bugs consistently while I’ll only get them once or never – or the other way around. Super weird, and it really doesn’t make the full analysis easy.
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